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Sheepdog Program


Our use of the term "Sheepdog" is a Metaphor for continuing practical training to face plausible real-world challenges, including social and financial unrest, hazardous events, disasters, conflict, while maintaining a high state of readiness.


"Sheepdog" practice is for men and women who want to be able to protect themselves and their family decisively, and when needed, to also be ready to defend others. The people who are involved in the Sheepdog movement come from many professions and all walks of life. 


Firearm safety is an important issue for everyone who owns a gun.  But for Sheepdogs, practical real-world experience is also essential.  It’s for this reason that we are offering these regular practice sessions for Sheepdogs, in addition to our formal training. 


Since firearm proficiency is a perishable skill, training and regular practice are foundational to being prepared.  In fact, regular practice is so important that each month we will have our Sheepdog practice sessions. Participants only pay for consumables and their range fee.


 "When seconds count, the police are only minutes away."  In our modern world, personal responsibility and self-reliance are essential.


Offered monthly and  by reservation, Sheepdog firearm self-defense practice sessions are instructor driven, and each session lasts around 3 hours.  This practice opportunity is designed to help you maintain firearm-defense proficiency in a training environment that is real-world practical.


Rather than just going to an ordinary gun range and punching holes in a paper target, 'Sheepdog' practice sessions focus on real-world deadly force encounters.  In other words, they are intensely practical.


Moreover, each monthly session is different.  As a result, the practice is invigorating and doesn't feel repetitive.  Importantly and by design, this intentional variety helps you become more rounded in your skill development.


What remains the same each month is that the practice session always incorporates tactical movement, the use of cover, engaging multiple targets, and shoot don’t-shoot scenarios.  Advanced skill development, and mental-muscle-memory basics, are always blended into each practice session.


A few of the additional topics covered will be: Bug-Out-Bag essentials, medical supplies to carry, Every Day Carry items, radio communications, shotgun options, flashlight options,  and low light shooting tactics.


Register for Sheepdog Range Practice


Register for Sheepdog practice sessions.  This registration does not commit you to a specific practice session.  It is only to apply for approval to participate, and to request monthly emails which provide details on upcoming practice opportunities.
























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Sheepdogs train and they practice.  Regularly.


Each month the 3 hour session gives you the opportunity to hone a different aspect of your firearm self-defense skills.


Advance registration and reservations are required.  Use the registration form  to request details on training opportunities.


Sheepdog Firearm-Defense


Requirements for Participation:


Each participant must...


  • Have a valid AZ CCW or have successfully graduated from a firearm self-defense course.

  • Bring your own firearm (handgun, a tactical rifle or shotgun) and use it in the training session along with the required safety equipment (ear and eye protection, etc.)

  • Ammunition Minimum: For handguns, 100-rounds; rifles 250 and shotguns, 30-rounds.

  • Sign a waiver of liability.




The cost of these practice sessions will vary and will average between $25 and $50.  Participants supply their own guns, and ammunition, which must be factory new.  (Most American-made ammunition is suitable. Privately reloaded ammunition is not permitted.)




Scheduled by appointment, with sessions offered one day each month.  These are generally during the morning or afternoon on a Saturday or Sunday during the month.




Our private Firearm-Defense Training Ranges are located in Northeast Mesa and the West Side.  Directions and specifics on the locations are  only provided to registered Sheepdogs.


Spread the word about this program and feel free to use the attached PDF.

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